City of Hutchinson Employee Handbook

Page | 9 discharge of public duties. The value of a gift must be $50 or less. 2. Use their official position, uniform or badge to secure special advantage in business, personal gain or other benefit derived from such relationship. 3. Use any City-owned facility, building, equipment, materials or vehicle for their personal use or benefit, or for the personal use or benefit of any other individual. No employee shall have unauthorized possession of City property. 4. Invest or hold a financial interest, directly or indirectly, in any business entity, transaction or business endeavor that would create a conflict between the City employee’s duty to uphold the public trust and the individual’s private interest. City employees may accept honorariums if the employee is using vacation or personal holiday leave for the time for which the honorarium is being received. In general, the use of good judgment, based on high ethical principles, will be the guide with respect to lines of acceptable conduct. If a situation arises where it is difficult to determine the proper course of action, the matter must be disclosed to the immediate supervisor and/or the department director. The department director shall immediately inform the City Manager for the purpose of precluding any real or apparent conflict of interest. PUBLIC RELATIONS & MEDIA INQUIRIES / COMMUNICATION 111 Citizens' trust in City government is gained not only through efficient and effective provision of public services, but by the conduct of City employees, both on and off the job. Every City employee shall continually strive to promote good public relations for his or her department and the entire municipal organization. The behavior and actions of City employees impact the public's perception of city government and administration. Visitors at all City facilities shall be made to feel welcome and shall be treated in a friendly, courteous and professional manner. All inquiries, complaints or requests for assistance shall be given immediate attention and shall be acted upon in a timely manner. Public statements or the release of information on any matter related to municipal policy, administration, the operation of any department or personnel management shall be limited to the City Council, City Manager, department heads and other personnel that have been specifically authorized by department heads or the City Manager. HIPAA 112 The City of Hutchinson complies with the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) relating to the privacy requirements for Protected Health Information (PHI). This policy defines how Protected Health Information (PHI) obtained by the City during the employment relationship with an employee will be used and who will have access to the information. The City understands that medical information about employees and their dependents health is personal and confidential. It is the policy of this organization to limit the use of PHI to the extent necessary to make our benefits effective. Under HIPAA regulations, permitted use and disclosure is limited to treatment, payment, or operation (TPO) of the health plan(s). PHI cannot be used or disclosed for any other purpose without prior written authorization by the individual. City Human Resources staff may be exposed periodically to PHI, such as during benefits enrollment, assisting employees with claims processing, plan interpretation or medical leave. The City will, to the extent required by law: