Page | 8 EMPLOYMENT OF RELATIVES/ NEPOTISM POLICY 108 In order to ensure that hiring and supervision of employees is conducted in a manner that enhances public confidence in government and prevents situations which give the appearance of partiality, preferential treatment, improper influence, or a conflict of interest, family or household members of Department Directors or City Council are not eligible for any type of employment with the City. Additionally, no person shall be appointed, promoted, transferred, demoted or otherwise employed in any position that results in the ability to influence and/or participate in any matter that directly affects another family or household member, including but not limited to, direct or dotted-line supervisory/ management responsibilities. The City further retains the right to refuse appointment to any person, who in the City’s judgement, may adversely affect the supervision, administration, security, confidentiality, morale, or functioning of any city operations. For purposes of this policy, family member includes: spouse, child, sibling, parent, grandparent, grandchild, uncle, aunt, nephew, niece, father or mother-in-law, son or daughter-in-law, brother or sister-in-law, grandparent-in-law, stepfather or mother, stepbrother or sister, stepson or daughter, half-brother or sister, and legal guardian or other person who stands in the place of a parent. Household member includes people living in the same household who are not legally married or related. Should marriage, co-habitation or any other similar event cause a violation of this policy, either employee must secure other employment which does not violate this policy or resign within 90 days. The application of this policy will apply prospectively; therefore, current employees in assignments which violate this policy are exempt from its application in their current positions. If an employee seeks a transfer or promotion, the new assignment cannot put the employee in greater conflict of this policy than they have in their current position. POLITICAL ACTIVITY 109 City employees are prohibited from conducting personal political/activity during working hours or while acting in any capacity as a representative of the City. While on duty, an employee's conduct shall not imply or suggest endorsement, support, or alliance with any ballot issue, candidate, or subject matter of any petition gathering on behalf of the City. Employees may not use City funds, supplies, resources, vehicles, or equipment for such political activity, and are prohibited from wearing any City uniform or apparel while engaged in any off-duty personal political activity. Personal political activity includes, but is not limited to, the following: • Gathering signatures for an initiative; or • Directly or indirectly participating or assisting in any political campaign on behalf of a candidate or ballot issue In addition to the above, an employee who becomes a candidate for the City Council will be required to terminate employment with the City. ETHICAL CONDUCT 110 The City of Hutchinson will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and expects its directors, officers, volunteers and employees to conduct business in accordance with the letter and spirit of relevant laws and refrain from dishonest or unethical conduct. Employees shall, during both working and nonworking hours, act in a manner which will inspire public trust in their integrity, impartiality and devotion to the best interests of the City and its citizens. To ensure ethical and impartial business, the City prohibits employees to engage in the following: 1. Offer, accept or solicit money, property, service or other items of value by way of gift, favor, inducement or loan with the intent that the offer would influence, or the recipient would be influenced by such conduct in the