City of Hutchinson Employee Handbook

Page | 61 While on paid or unpaid FMLA leave, the employee will continue to be responsible for their portion of the health care premiums. While on paid leave, the City will continue to make payroll deductions. While on unpaid leave, the employee must make this payment for premiums at the same time it would have been made if done through payroll deduction. The City may cease to maintain health coverage if the employee does not make the full payment within a 30-day grace period. If the employee's health care coverage is discontinued for non-payment after the grace period, such benefits will be restored in full with no waiting period on the day the employee returns to work. All other benefit programs will continue during the leave under the same terms and conditions as if the employee were not on leave. Reinstatement Rights – Eligible employees are entitled on return from FMLA leave to be reinstated to their former position or an equivalent position with equivalent pay, benefits, and other terms and conditions of employment. An employee who takes leave under this policy may be required to provide a fitness for duty report from the health care provider. This requirement will be included in the City’s response to the FMLA request. SHARED LEAVE POOL DONATION PROGRAM 608 The City has established a Shared Leave Pool program as a means to transfer paid leave benefits to an eligible employee that is experiencing a 1) qualifying catastrophic health condition; and 2) has exhausted their own paid leave benefits. Employee Leave Donations and Shared Leave Pool Administration – The Human Resources department will accept voluntary leave donations during the annual open enrollment process, and again mid-calendar year. Only shared leave pool donations are accepted, and employees are prohibited from donating leave to another specific employee. All donations to the shared leave pool should be completely voluntary and free from coercion and/or intimidation. Violations should be reported immediately to Human Resources. Donor Eligibility Requirements – Employees may donate up to 80 hours of leave per calendar year to the Shared Pool provided that they maintain a minimum sick leave balance of 480 hours after the donation (56-hour fire personnel must maintain a minimum sick leave balance of 672 hours). All donations to the shared leave pool are permanent and will not be reinstated or refunded to the donor employee. However, donations to the shared leave pool will not count against the donor employee for determining eligibility for attendance/non-use award programs (wellness day award for example). Employment History Eligibility Requirements – In addition to meeting the catastrophic health condition requirements, an employee seeking donations from the shared leave pool must meet the following employment-related requirements: • Minimum of one (1) year of continuous employment in a regular position; • All paid leave benefits have been exhausted (sick, vacation and floating holidays); • Be in full compliance with all FMLA leave requirements; • Job performance and conduct must be at an acceptable level; and • Prior sick leave utilization rate of less than 66%. In cases where the employee’s sick leave utilization is above 66%, Human Resources will review the employee’s available attendance records for any extenuating circumstances. Catastrophic Health Condition Defined – For the purposes of this program, a catastrophic health condition is defined as a serious incapacitating and/or life threatening event that requires an extended treatment and/or recovery period during which the employee is unable to perform the essential functions of his/her job, with or without reasonable