Page | 56 Absence Notification Requirements – Employees who know in advance that they will be absent for health reasons are expected to give their supervisors advance notice including the probable start date and duration of the absence. If a sudden illness makes it impossible for an employee to request sick leave before the workday begins, the employee should notify his/her supervisor or department head within 30 minutes of the start of the workday. If an employee is too ill to place the call, a relative or other responsible individual can place the call. Absence without notice is grounds for termination. Employees are required to keep their supervisor informed of their work status and provide acceptable medical certification when requested by management. Acceptable medical certification should be on the physician’s official letterhead and include the following: • Patient's name; • Dates of disability; • Statement that employee is unable to perform job duties (if applicable); • Anticipated or actual return to work date; and • Physician's original signature Failure to provide acceptable medical certification in a timely manner may result in the denial of sick leave benefits and/or disciplinary action. Supervisors are required to immediately notify the Human Resources Department of any employee’s illness, condition or absence exceeding three consecutive days; or for any absences that are due to an intermittent or recurring condition that may qualify for coverage under FMLA. Depending upon the nature of the illness/injury, the length of disability, and the nature of the position, the city may require a medical release and/or fitness for duty exam prior to the employee returning to work. Payout Provisions – Those employees hired before July 1, 1993 will be compensated at their regular rate of pay for any earned and unused sick leave up to a maximum of four hundred eighty (480) hours when employment is permanently terminated due to KPERS-qualified retirement, KPERS-qualified disability, or death. Employees hired after June 30, 1993 are eligible to receive a partial payout of earned and unused sick leave after a minimum of five (5) years of continuous service as a regular employee. In addition to the minimum service requirement, an employee will not be eligible to receive sick leave payout if the termination of employment is due to: 1) involuntary termination for any reason excluding job elimination or workforce reduction; 2) job abandonment or a voluntarily resignation without notice; 3) resignation while under investigation or to avoid disciplinary action; or 4) resignation by the mutual consent of both parties. Provided that all basic eligibility requirements have been met, the amount of sick leave to be paid out will be based on the employee’s sick leave utilization rate over the course of his/her employment according the following schedule: Utilization Rate Bank Balance Payout % Greater than 45% 0% 40 – 44.9% 10% 35 – 39.9% 20% Less than 35% 33% The sick leave utilization rate is calculated by the number of sick leave hours used, divided by the total hours of sick leave hours earned over the course of the employee’s continuous length of service as a regular employee. Employee sick leave