Page | 41 Department reviews any proposed disciplinary action against an employee above a verbal counseling. All decisions involving formal disciplinary action will be made in conjunction with the Director of Human Resources; and in cases that involve formal discipline more severe than a written warning, the City Manager. In most instances, employees are given an opportunity to improve whenever behavior, productivity or effectiveness falls below an acceptable level. However, this progressive procedure does not preclude severe discipline or termination when circumstances warrant. Forms of corrective action and discipline include: • Verbal Counseling – Verbal counseling is generally the first step in the corrective process. When a supervisor/manager identifies that a work-related problem(s) exists, he/she is responsible for reviewing the problem(s) with the employee and counseling the employee of the consequences should the problem(s) continue. This can be done through one-on-one counseling, development of a performance improvement plan, or other appropriate methods. Verbal counseling is not disciplinary in nature; therefore, the employee may not initiate a grievance based upon a verbal counseling session. However, all such sessions should be thoroughly documented by the supervisor and maintained in his/her departmental files. Documentation of verbal counseling sessions can be used as a basis for future disciplinary action should the problem continue. • Written Warning – A written warning is considered formal discipline and is issued in instances where an employee has either failed to respond to verbal counseling or has committed an offense or violation which is, in itself, sufficiently serious to warrant more than verbal counseling but less than suspension or termination. The employee is given the written document and asked to sign to acknowledge its receipt. Additionally, the supervisor and the employee should retain a copy of the document, with the original being forwarded to Human Resources for placement into the employee’s personnel file. • Mandatory Referral to EAP – In certain circumstances supervisors may request that an employee attend mandatory counselling through the City’s designated EAP provider. All requests for a mandatory referral must be pre-authorized by the Director of Human Resources and be accompanied by a formal written warning which clearly outlines the unacceptable conduct or behaviors. When authorized, a mandatory referral is considered a work assignment and failure to be compliant with appointments and/or treatment plans will result in more severe disciplinary action. • Disciplinary Suspension – A disciplinary suspension is an option that may be used instead of termination. The length of a disciplinary suspension should be consistent with the seriousness of the offense, but in no case should be longer than one month. Disciplinary suspension may be with or without pay. • Temporary Reduction in Pay – As an alternative to disciplinary suspension, a temporary reduction in pay may be imposed. Temporary reductions in pay may be imposed for up to 60 days. • Involuntary Termination/Discharge – Final disciplinary action will result in the removal of the employee from City service when it has been determined that the employee is unable to meet performance or behavioral standards. An employee may be discharged without prior notice or progressive discipline for serious offenses. When requesting review of a potential formal discipline, the supervisor/manager is responsible for producing the documentation necessary to support the proposed action. regarding actions taken to correct a problem. Employees who have received formal corrective action/discipline (written warning or above) are ineligible for promotion or transfer for a minimum of one year from the disciplinary event.