Page | 36 STANDARDS OF CONDUCT 401 All City of Hutchinson employees are responsible for meeting reasonable performance and ethical standards in their work activities. All employees are expected to exercise common sense and conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner while interacting with co-workers and members of the general public. Additionally, any off-the-job conduct which undermines the city’s reputation, harms public confidence, renders the employee unable to perform duties or appear for work, or that causes reluctance, refusal or inability of other employees to work with the employee may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. An employee who disobeys or refuses to follow work assignments, direction or policies from management shall be considered insubordinate unless the direction is immoral, unethical, unlawful or dangerous to the health and safety of City employees or members of the public. If an employee believes that a work assignment or direction is inappropriate or incorrect, he/she is expected to do as directed and take the matter up with management at a later time. The following is a list of offenses for which an employee may receive corrective action up to and including termination. Because it is impossible to list every offense that may occur in the workplace, this list is not all-inclusive. Examples of unacceptable conduct include: • Making false statements on applications for City employment or related documents, including but not limited to professional credentials or certifications, references, previous work experience and criminal records; • Unsatisfactory work habits, tardiness, violation of break and lunch policy, departing prior to the designated time, excessive absenteeism, neglecting work duties or wasting time during work hours; • Damaging City property including but not limited to, motor vehicles, tools, uniforms, computer hardware, software and data, equipment or other City property due to carelessness or inattention; • Threatening or displaying physically intimidating behavior towards a co-worker, supervisor or member of the general public; • Participating in activities which is inconsistent with paid sick leave, limited duty or injury leave (including other employment, self-employment, sports, hobbies, etc.); • Engaging in work disruption or stoppage, strike, or other forms of job action or withholding of services; • Performing work for another employer, organization or private business while on duty; • Making false or untrue statements to management, fellow employees or members of the general public regarding work-related matters; • Impeding an internal investigation regardless of whether the employee is a witness or the focus of the investigation. Such actions include refusing to cooperate; withholding relevant information; destruction of records; or providing untruthful, misleading or intentionally evasive responses or information; • Theft, misappropriation, destruction, abuse or waste of public and/or private property, including City tools, equipment, fixtures, facilities or supplies; • Falsifying or tampering with time records or other personnel-related records; • Accessing, removing or disclosing any confidential information or records of any kind without proper authority;