Page | 30 The City, in its sole discretion, will determine what websites, content and/or activity will be permitted or prohibited on City equipment. Accessing websites that contain or promote any communications of a defamatory, derogatory, discriminatory or harassing nature, or materials that are obscene or X-rated are prohibited unless legitimately accessed for a job-related purpose. If you are unable to access a particular website that is necessary and job-related, contact Information Technologies. The City reserves the right to suspend an employee’s internal or external access to City systems at any time, without notice, for technical reasons, or suspected abuse, excessive personal use, possible policy violations, security, financial, or other concerns. Software and Licensing – Employees must adhere to the terms of the City’s applicable software license agreements in use of City-issued or purchased technology and/or software. Sharing or duplicating software from City devices is not permitted. Loading of any software or installing hardware on a City computer or network system is prohibited unless preapproved by Information Technologies. Reporting Inappropriate Use – Employees who suspect or become aware of inappropriate use of the City’s systems, network, internet access, hardware/equipment, and/or software have a duty to notify their supervisor immediately. If the employee is uncomfortable reporting the issue to his/her supervisor, the employee should contact Human Resources Department or their department director immediately. MOBILE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 318 It is the policy of the City of Hutchinson to issue cellular equipment (including, but not limited to mobile phones, pagers and PDA’s) to employees when needed to enhance the delivery of municipal services and/or ensure employee safety. Each department head is primarily responsible for determining the need for cellular devices within their respective departments. Department heads are expected to analyze the true business need for cellular devices while considering all other forms of communication available to City employees. A City issued cellular device or allowance is not a perquisite and should be provided only when there is a strong business need. Administration – Requests for cellular devices (pager, PDA, mobile telephone, etc.) must be initially submitted in writing to the City Manager. The request must clearly indicate why a specific cellular device is required. Cellular communications equipment will be charged to the issuing department, and as such, each department is responsible for securing the necessary funding during the annual budgeting process. The IT department is responsible for maintaining an accurate inventory of all cellular equipment issued to City employees. Each request must also state to whom the equipment will be assigned as well as the account code to be charged. For City issued cellular devices, the IT department serves as the City’s central point-of-contact for new service notification/activation, deactivation or other service changes. Employees are expected to immediately advise their department head and the IT department in the event of the loss or theft of cellular equipment. Equipment lost through employee negligence may result in disciplinary action. City Issued Cellular Phones – The City provides cellular phones to employees only when such devices are required to perform the essential functions of his/her job. Simple convenience is not adequate justification. Employees that qualify for City issued cellular phones include those that have direct responsibility for directing/managing: • Emergency response operations, including those that are required to maintain 24–hour communication/contact for emergency response purposes; or • Critical operations which require a significant amount of time in the field and have a high volume of time-sensitive calls.