Page | 27 • Failure to cooperate with any part of the testing process (e.g., refusing to empty pockets when so directed by the collector, behaving in a confrontational way that disrupts the collection process). • Verification of an adulterated or substituted test result as reported by the Medical Review Officer (MRO). Applicants who refuse to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test will cease to be eligible for employment for a period of at least one year. Employees who refuse to submit to a drug and/or alcohol test will be terminated. USE OF TOBACCO & NICOTINE DELIVERY DEVICES 313 In keeping with the City’s intent to provide a safe and healthful work environment, employees are prohibited from using tobacco products and nicotine delivery devices in all buildings, facilities, vehicles and other workspaces that are owned, leased or operated by the City. For the purposes of this policy, tobacco products and nicotine delivery devices include but are not limited to cigarettes, cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, snuff, electronic cigarettes, or other similar nicotine delivery devices. Employees are prohibited from using tobacco products or nicotine delivery devices in any area that is near a doorway or generally observable by the public. While working at city facilities, employees are allowed to only use tobacco products or nicotine delivery devices in outdoor areas designated by the city during meal or work breaks. Employees working in the field are allowed to use tobacco products or nicotine delivery devices during meal or work breaks in areas that have been determined to be safe by their supervisor. Additional breaks beyond those allowed under city policy will not be allowed for employees that use tobacco products or nicotine delivery devices. CARE AND USE OF EQUIPMENT AND FACILITIES 314 Equipment, material or supplies, owned by the City of Hutchinson, shall not be moved or used without proper authorization. The supervisor, department head or the City Manager shall be the only people with jurisdiction and authority to grant such permission. Vehicles and other equipment assigned to individual personnel shall be utilized only for City business and shall not be taken outside the city limits except with proper authorization. Any employee of the City of Hutchinson found responsible for damage to or loss of City property or equipment through negligence, carelessness or abuse shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. DRIVER SAFETY 315 The safety and well-being of our employees and our citizens is of critical importance to the City. Employees that are required to drive on City business at any time will be expected to: • Follow all driving laws and safety rules such as adherence to posted speed limits and directional signs, use of turn signals and avoidance of confrontational or offensive behavior while driving; • Wear seat belts at all times while in a moving vehicle being used for City business, whether they are the driver or a passenger; • Not engage in other distracting activities including, but not limited to, eating, putting on makeup, reading or changing radio stations or music, even when in slow-moving traffic; • Not use cell phones or other similar devices, while driving a City vehicle (on or off duty) or driving a personal vehicle while engaged in City business. Employees are exempt from this policy when actively engaged in emergency or unusual situations;