Page | 25 Post-accident testing shall be accomplished as soon as possible after an accident, but no later than eight (8) hours following an accident. Employees required to take a post-accident test shall refrain from consuming alcohol for eight (8) hours after an accident or until a valid breath alcohol test has been administered, whichever occurs first. If post-accident testing is ordered and the employee to be tested is in a hospital or other medical facility, the MRO shall be notified to inform the medical facility of the requirement to obtain samples for drug/alcohol testing. Samples shall not be tested until the employee is able to give consent. If the employee refuses consent, the sample shall be discarded, and the incident shall be treated as a refusal to test. Competence to consent for employees in a hospital or other medical facility must be verified by the treating physician. • Random Selection – While not an all-inclusive list and subject to change, employees that occupy jobs whose essential functions involve performing the following tasks or duties are subject to random drug testing: o Carrying or working closely with those that carry a firearm; o Firefighting; o Performing life-threating procedures; o Providing 911 emergency communications; o Regular driving and/or CDL regulated driving on behalf of the City; o Working with heavy or dangerous machinery; o Handling, storage, disposal or transport of hazardous materials; o Maintaining or overseeing the proper functioning of water and wastewater systems and infrastructure; o Repairing, maintaining or monitoring the performance or operation of any equipment, machinery or treatment process, the malfunction or disruption of which could result in injury or property damage; o Conducting life-safety inspections; o Working closely with confidential information pertaining to criminal investigations; o Working with controlled substances; or o Any job in which a momentary lapse in attention could result in injury or death to themselves or another person. Random testing shall be performed without advance notice and while the employee is on duty whenever possible. The City’s drug testing vendor is responsible for randomly selecting those employees to be tested using a scientifically valid method that ensures an equal chance of selection. Due to the random nature of selection process, an employee may be tested more than once a year, or not tested at all. Supervisors shall maintain the confidentiality of the random selection process at all times and ensure that employees selected for random testing are escorted to the testing site whenever possible. When this is not possible, the supervisor should contact Human Resources for instructions. Alcohol Testing - For the purposes of this policy, an alcohol concentration of 0.02% or higher shall constitute a positive test; however, employees are subject to disciplinary action for blood alcohol levels that are below 0.02%. Alcohol screening shall be accomplished by using an approved evidential breath testing device (EBT) at a testing facility approved by Human Resources; however, other recognized breath testing devices or blood testing may be used at the City’s option. If an employee has a detectable alcohol concentration that is below the legal limit of 0.08%, he/she will be immediately relieved of duty and placed on administrative leave. If the alcohol concentration is at or above the legal limit of 0.08%, the City will transport the employee back to City premises, where a spouse, family member or other individual will be contacted to transport the employee to his/her home. In the event no such individual is available, the City will contact a taxi to transport the employee home. If the employee refuses to agree to any of these procedures and attempts to operate his/her own vehicle, the City will make appropriate efforts to discourage the employee from doing so, up to and including contacting local law enforcement officials.