Page | 18 which the employee is paid by the City and is therefore not "off duty", therefore rest periods shall be taken at or in close proximity to the job site, so as to not exceed 15 minutes. Employees who choose to continue working and not take a 15minute rest break are not entitled to arrive later than the scheduled starting time or leave before the normal quitting time and will not receive extra pay for the time worked. Under normal conditions, employees are not allowed to combine the two rest periods and take one 30-minute break per day. TIME KEEPING POLICY & PROCEDURES 305 Accurately recording time worked is the responsibility of every employee. Employees in jobs that have been designated as “Exempt” under FLSA are only required to document full day absences; however, departments have the discretion to require exempt employees to complete weekly/hourly time records if needed for project or grant-related reporting requirements. All non-exempt employees are required to accurately record the time they begin and end their work, meal periods, and any departure from work for personal reasons, including but not limited to sick leave, vacation, and doctor appointments or other personal business. The following outlines the city’s employee timekeeping procedures. All non-exempt/hourly employees will be assigned one of the authorized timekeeping methods: • Time Clock – Time clocks are the most common time collection method and use either biometric or proximity card technology. Employees are expected to use only the timeclock located at their primary worksite. Exceptions must be pre-authorized by the employee’s supervisor and communicated to Human Resources. • Workstation P.C. – This time collection method is typically assigned where there are fewer non-exempt employees at a worksite. Unless otherwise authorized, employees assigned to this time collection method are required to use the PC at his/her assigned workstation. • Remote Clock-In/Out – In special circumstances approved by the City Manager, non-exempt employees may be authorized to use the timekeeping system’s remote clock-in/out capabilities. Employees must be specifically authorized to use this method and are required to keep the “Location Services” (or other similar tracking system) activated anytime they clock in/out. Normal travel time to and from and employee’s residence to the worksite is not compensable. As such, employees that use this technology are required to punch in only when they have arrived at their worksite and punch out when they leave the worksite at the end of their shift. Use of Unauthorized Timekeeping Methods & Devices – The use or attempted use of any unauthorized and/or unassigned timekeeping methods or devices is strictly prohibited. Unauthorized devices may include, but are not limited to cell phones, tablets or any PC not assigned to the employee by the city. Work Schedule Adherence – Unless pre-approved by the employee’s supervisor, all non-exempt employees are expected to adhere to their assignedwork schedule, and punch-in and out according to the work schedule requirements. Employees are expected to immediately report and provide the reason(s) for any missed punches to his/her supervisor. Supervisors are required to record the reason(s) for all missed punches in the timesheet “Notes” section. An employee’s failure to punch in and out without good cause is unacceptable and will be addressed through the corrective action/disciplinary process. Grace Period Rounding Rules & Tardiness – The city has adopted a five (5) minute “grace period” for calculating actual hours worked. This grace period results in the rounding up or down to the employee’s scheduled start time provided he/she clocks in within five (5) minutes before or after his/her scheduled start time. The employee’s actual hours worked will be added or deducted if he/she clocks in before or after the grace period. Regardless of the five (5) minute grace period, an employee is considered tardy whenever he/she fails to clock in and be fully ready for work at his/her scheduled start time or returns to work after the end his/her scheduled lunch period.